Friendly European Experiential Learning


The project will last two years and we'll concentrated our activities in seven aspects. 
Art Aspect (traditional art and crafts, traditional clothes, songs and dances); 
Environmental Aspect (recycling activities, compost natural fertilizier, sustainability); 
Ecological Aspect (seed exchange, ecological garden, a horticulture book); 
Socio-cultural Aspect (traditional heros/fairytales/stories, traditional
games, traditional customs, cultural/historical places, puppets of traditional heroes, playing games, inclusion students with special education needs, festival, project expositions);
Technological Aspect (eTwinning platforms/TwinSpace conferences, skype calls, logo contest, website, documentary videos, coding activities, DVD songs/dances, PPTs, e-books);
Innovative Aspect (the update of Erasmus+ project content with project activities, STEM-classes designing, ecologic garden designing, working with waste material); 
The Festival (a big organized event for dissemination).


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